Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Today Caitie the Little Girl I follow on FB Has Gone to Jesus 😢

i am crying here alone in Dublin 😢 so sad. 

Monday, May 17, 2010

One Afternoon @ Dubai Garden Center

One fine afternoon, I was able to miraculously made my hubby drive me to Dubai Garden Center :) I was so happy. I got to buy some plants for my balcony garden... :)

I like Dubai Garden Center, plants are so much cheaper than the ones in ikea. But there are very little choices for outdoor plants though. I wish they had more variety.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mommy's Day!

Thinking Out Loud.

So today, my day off was spent thinking , thinking and thinking. Yesterday, the carpenter was here to do some stuff. And I'm happy. =) I got the wood panels for my laundry area, and I got myself the stuff I wanted for my balcony garden. Lately, I couldn't stop myself from fantasizing on balcony gardens. I wish We had a bigger balcony and I wish it wasn't too hot in Dubai. But I could not of course change the weather but I can make myself a small garden if I was desperate really. And I really was. I really really wanted it. To grow some plants and some herbs. My Hubby bet ob me not being able to take care of it, but what the heck I really want to try.

What I've been thinking to grow. I really find sili leaves very expensive in Dubai. So I hot this wishful thinking that I might be able to grow a chilli plant! Hahaha. Seems crazy, but I swear, I will really really try for my tinola! :) I also want to grow malunggay. THAT is impossible! I think it's not a plant I can grow in the balcony, I think, it's really a tree. So okay scrap that. I saw some mint leaves in carrefour the other day, so taht would give me a kick start. I also want to have some other herbs. Sonnie promised to drive me to the Garden Center today so we'll see. I'm really excited :)

Today I was checking the web about stuff on balcony gardening and I was soo happy to find out that I was not the only crazy person who wanted to have a balcony garden in Dubai. Oh, but I envy all those who lived in places with friendly weather. And again, I wish I had a bigger balcony. Because now my balcony has to be clothes drying area cum garden =( Not much I can do with the small space that we have but still, I'm happy =)

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Yesterday was my birthday, today is Vanessa's birthday :) we had dinner at the terrace with claudia and beh. It was simple and fun at the same time. It really is difficult to throw away parties or even just small gatherings if you are cabin crew. Most of your friends are away on layovers and i think only a miracle can make our rosters alike ... :( I miss my friends, but now even if it's just me and sonnie at home, I am fulfilled.

When we went home, I get to thinking about how important it really is for a couple to live only by themselves. There were happy times in our old flat but somehow, the feeling of independence, of simply being on our own, it makes a real difference in our marriage. I think it somehow made both of us feel more grown up, more in control.

But more and more, I am confused why they let us leave without a blessing, they made us leave with a heavy heart, they made us feel that we were making a big mistake. But I am very thankful we made it through, and now, we live our own life, the way a couple should really do.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

happy birthday to me!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Thanks For all The Gifts =) We Will Treasure Them With All Our Hearts. Mwahhh





Sunday, February 14, 2010

Valentine's Day 2010

Come Valentines Day and Sonnie gets his new computer table.... :)The house is still empty, but little by little, we're getting there :)

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Improvised Curtains of Our New Home

These are our temporary bedroom curtains, :) oh they're from home center, hahaha.

Check Out our Living room curtains, :) hahaha... sonnie couldn't care less as long as he could play WOW.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Battle WIth the Credit Card

We have just moved to a new flat and I am so glad that we get to have our own flat yet again by ourselves =) There are so many things I wanted to buy for the flat like cute stuff from Crate and Barrell and Pottery Barn. I keep going to home decorating shops in Moe and I know the sales people there think I'm crazy to keep on coming back evry time, but not buying... I'm fighting a battle on whether to swipe my card or not. I already did to buy some essential stuff in the kitchen like the stove ( which I love so dearly). I am not used to using my credit card, I'm used to spend only cash, extra cash. I do not and cannot have a shopping spree to make our new flat full of pretty things because I choose to spend as wisely as I could. But it pains me, and I know I can just easily buy anything I like by swiping my card, but I can't cause it gives me nightmares at night. haha. that's how scared I am of the credit card, so, I save layover allowance after allowance to buy stuff I love for the new flat, I know it will take a while, but I'm Proud to have bought lots of stuff already out of layover allowance only =)